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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

♥ Statement of Faith

1. The Bible, verbally and plenarily inspired, is God's Word; infallible, inerrant, and authoritative in all matters of which it speaks.

2. There is one God, personal, infinite, perfect, and eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each person is equal in every divine perfection.

3. The Holy Spirit is a divine person and works in conviction of men and in the regeneration, sanctification, and preservation of the believer.

4. Satan is a fallen, created personality, opposed to all that is holy and is destined to eternal punishment.

5. God directly created the universe from no pre-existing substance. We reject both naturalistic and theistic evolution.

6. Man was made in God's own image and fell into sin in Adam and is now a sinner both by nature and choice, and can be restored to God's favor only by God's provision in Christ as applied by the Holy Spirit.

7. Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was born by the Virgin Mary, and He is true God and true man.

8. Salvation comes to man only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, apart from any human merit through his substitutionary atoning sacrifice.

9. Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave, ascended into heaven, and daily intercedes on our behalf as our High Priest.

10. In order to be saved, sinners must experience a new spiritual birth wrought by a sovereign God through the power of his Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This birth is instantaneous and not a process, and is evidenced by newness of life.

11. Justification is an act of God in which He declares the believer to be righteous on the bases of faith in Christ and the imputation of Christ's righteousness to the believing sinner.

12. Sanctification is the setting apart of a believer unto God as His purchased possession through the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of His Word.

13. Every believer is eternally secure, being 'kept by the power of God.'

14. All those who have experienced salvation are members of the church which is His body and thus are eligible for baptism & membership in the local church. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church & every local church has the right under Christ to govern itself.

15. Baptism by immersion and the Lord's supper are ordinances of the church.

16. The Bible commands believers to be separated unto God and to be separated from worldliness and ecclesiastical apostasy.

17. Civil goverment exists by Divine appointment, and separation between it and the church should be maintained.

18. Isreal is God's covenant people now dispersed because of unbelief but yet to be regathered and saved as a nation at the Second Advent of Christ.

19. The return of Christ includes both the Rapture of the church and His return in glory. The first is for His church which is personal, pretribulational, premillenial and may occur at any moment. The second is His return to earth to establish His righteous reign over the earth. The coming is visible, personal, premillenial and in power and great glory.

20. All persons will experience resurrection, believers to a state of eternal felicity and unbelievers to eternal punishment.

In My Own Words:

I like to think of the world today as a book.
"A book?" You say flustered, "What does that have to do with anything?"

I say.

Okay let's start at the beginning of my book thought and maybe you'll understand.
Let's look at it from a writer perspective.

Let's say you've just finished writing a great novel.
The greatest book story of all time.

You have perfect characters and a perfect world going on.
Then they rebel against you!

"You didn't create us!" They yell foolishly.
"There is no author!"

Although you yourself know the truth!
Imagine the pain you would go through; knowing you're own creation rejected you!

Now apply it to the real world:

We God's creation reject God, today.
He's writing our books, each and every persons in the world!

"And the books were opened: an another books was opened, which is the BOOK of LIFE"
Revelation 20: 12
(Only part of it.)

Those first books are ours. The second book is the Book of Life.
Our books have our whole life story, it's filthy book filled with everything you've done unless you repented.
The Book of Life is a book of names that God has written to state who'll be living with him in glory.
The Book of Life allows only those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour into Heaven.

So Apply the story above to God, and watch what you do and say because everything is written down in that book of yours.
Are you one of the dead in sin?
Or are you alive in Christ?
The choice is yours.
Don't mess it u

Daughter of the King
3:06 PM
0 commented

♥All About The Girl♥

    Name: Esa
    Age: 18
    Status: Engaged

    ♥ Brownish-black Hair ♥ Brown Eyes ♥ Sensitive ♥ Thoughtful ♥ Courageous ♥ Intelligent ♥ Tasteful ♥ Truthful ♥ Blunt ♥ God-Fearing ♥ KJV Bible ♥ Hello Kitty ♥ Camera ♥ Ipod

    I am Asian and half Caucasian. I'm saved through the Blood of Jesus's Christ's atoning blood by grace. I follow no denomination. I am a happy person. I love meeting new people, I sing, draw, and am a photographer in my spare time. I love reading and eating pixie sticks. I am not a push over. I love Fuze fruit drinks. Snowboarding is awesome! I want to Mountain bike so bad! I love chocolate. I think that most desserts are gross. Cupcakes anyone? I can be incredibly random. Sometimes ditzy, but SERIOUS when it comes to biblical issues. I love my real friends to death and my enemies more. I AM IN LOVE WITH PHILIP! I WILL MARRY HIM THIS YEAR! I think that Love is earned and is never from first sight. I like eating sour things. Dill pickle chips are my favorite. I can be dramatic, I love acting out skits. I love baking and some cooking. I don't like cereal unless it's Almond and Vanilla. My favorite nuts are Cashews. TEEHEE ^^ Esa


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