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Thursday, March 25, 2010

♥ Sin, Thoughts, Pure Love, Now What?


It's that horrible fact of life that faces me, you, and everyone on this entire earth. I think it's quite interesting that when you confront people today about it. They all know what it is, but nowadays hearts are so callused over.

When my family and I do street ministry in the summer there is one phrase that pops up 99% of the time. "Oh... but... I am a good person! If God is loving why would he send people to hell?" I am not mocking these people... actually I feel like crying for them. I feel angry that morals has become the basis of people's ticket to heaven. Many people want the reward of Heaven without having to sacrifice their own wants and desires. I know this because I struggle with walking a Christian life everyday! It's constantly a war with self.

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" Roman's 3:10
"They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." Roman's 3:12

Hmm... I guess that means nobody on this earth is good... pretty sad huh? Before Adam and Eve par-took of the fruit, they were "good" God looked upon all of his creation and called it "Good." He was pleased with his creation.

Many people have come up to me and I even used this excuse when I was younger. "If God is good... why did he create Satan?" Many people in Christian and non-Christian circles know the story of Lucifer rebelling and being cast out of Heaven. So if God knew that Satan was going to rebel... why did he create him?

In reality our tiny minds will NEVER even begin to comprehend the mind of God, the only thing we as Christians can count on with our fallen minds and nature, is our faith, and the words, and promises God has given us. We also know that God has a plan for everything, and everything he created He wanted them to have a choice of who they would serve. Satan was a created being with a choice to follow God just like us.

After the fall there were many men who were described as 'perfect' or 'good'.

"Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9b

"I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will." Acts13:22

"There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job 1:1

These are just a few of the men who were regarded highly in the eyes of God. One of my personal favorite illustrations is with Job. The perfect man in God's eyes, but God allowed Satan to tempt him and Satan made him lose everything, but Job stayed true to the Lord never cursing him, and in the end God blessed him with double of everything he had before.

How many of us would be able to do that? Well thankfully, the Lord never gives us more than he thinks his children can handle. He knew that Job's heart was righteous and true towards Him. Maybe many of us would throw up our hands and curse God once something painful happens to us. The pain of loosing a child, husband, friend, family member? Maybe if we lost of job? Maybe if we see God blessing the non- Christians around us and we seemingly are receiving nothing? Maybe we've grown old and seem deserted or alone?

Those are just a few things I and other people around me have hated God for. When I was a unrepentant sinner. I hated God for not "loving me" It's a test of how much we love ourselves. Are we selfish? Job questioned as we all will since we are only human, but Job stayed true. He reproved his 'friends' who came to 'comfort' him.

Think of Abraham, who waited so long to have a son! He loved his son Isaac with all his heart, we was proud of him! Then God asked him... to sacrifice him on a altar to the Lord. I am sure that this vexed Abraham's heart to the very core! But in the end because of Abraham's obedience, God spared Isaac, and provided the blessing of a ram to take his place.

You see God has already shown us the greatest love a man can bear. He sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world! He lived as a man, walked with us, talked with us, endured vexation of heart, cried for us, and ultimately in the end, died not only for the people who loved him, but the people who HATED him also! God the Son took our sins upon his scourged bleeding, bruised, and dying back, for everyone in the present and in the future, for every person that has been born and is still yet to be born. He gave up heaven and gave everything he had to us.

Then on the third day he ROSE AGAIN! Taking the keys of death and of hell, and because of that a bridge was finally built between God and man that we may some day join him in heaven, and partake in his glory.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16&17

So there is a catch. Not just anyone can partake in this great promise. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE REPENTED FROM THEIR SINS! Believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and that God raised him from the Dead, believed that Jesus died for your sins, and even though we humans are so unworthy and so so small that we cannot grasp the whole being of God because he is our creator. The God who created the UNIVERSES the stars in the heavens, the seas, and all that is therein... He died for you!

I think giving up the pleasures of this world, is definitely a difficult task, I still struggle with my flesh daily, but since I am bought and paid for by my God, he is right there standing by me, helping me through the times of temptation and hurt, and trouble. He's there to calm our stormy seas. THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!

So... what happens if you reject his free gift?

Hell, that horrible word that makes my skin crawl. The place of "Weeping and Gnashing of teeth." all who have sinned and rejected the Lord's free gift by their own choice will go there. For eternity, it's not a short term stay, it's forever, we as humans cannot fathom eternity, because he have the presence of time in our world. But where God is there is no time... all there is, is forever.

A great preacher once said. "One second in Hell, will drown out all the lusts and pleasures of this world." - Charles Spurgeon

So, since time on earth is very short, our lives are but a vapor ... here today and gone tomorrow... where do we want to be for eternity? I definitely don't want anyone reading this to go to Hell! That is a place I wish NOBODY to go to. We definitely DON'T want to be sinners in the hands of a righteous and angry God... Since our Lord God is so righteous it is his job as a good judge to not allow sinful unrepentant souls into heaven... so...

Where will you be at the end of time?

Daughter of the King
12:27 PM
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♥All About The Girl♥

    Name: Esa
    Age: 18
    Status: Engaged

    ♥ Brownish-black Hair ♥ Brown Eyes ♥ Sensitive ♥ Thoughtful ♥ Courageous ♥ Intelligent ♥ Tasteful ♥ Truthful ♥ Blunt ♥ God-Fearing ♥ KJV Bible ♥ Hello Kitty ♥ Camera ♥ Ipod

    I am Asian and half Caucasian. I'm saved through the Blood of Jesus's Christ's atoning blood by grace. I follow no denomination. I am a happy person. I love meeting new people, I sing, draw, and am a photographer in my spare time. I love reading and eating pixie sticks. I am not a push over. I love Fuze fruit drinks. Snowboarding is awesome! I want to Mountain bike so bad! I love chocolate. I think that most desserts are gross. Cupcakes anyone? I can be incredibly random. Sometimes ditzy, but SERIOUS when it comes to biblical issues. I love my real friends to death and my enemies more. I AM IN LOVE WITH PHILIP! I WILL MARRY HIM THIS YEAR! I think that Love is earned and is never from first sight. I like eating sour things. Dill pickle chips are my favorite. I can be dramatic, I love acting out skits. I love baking and some cooking. I don't like cereal unless it's Almond and Vanilla. My favorite nuts are Cashews. TEEHEE ^^ Esa


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